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Cosmetic Dental Bonding in Surrey, BC

Dental bonding is multipurpose. It uses a composite resin that is applied directly to the tooth to repair a decayed, chipped, fractured or discoloured tooth. It can also be used to close gaps or to change the tooth’s shape or colour. Unlike porcelain veneers, bonding can be done in a single visit at Triton Dental, Surrey.

Bonding is a popular treatment option because it perfectly matches the tooth’s original colour. Direct composite bonding is used to recreate a smile where little or no tooth reduction is needed. Direct bonding is less costly than porcelain veneers and crowns and can be long-lasting with proper care and hygiene. You can book an appointment for dental bonding.

Taking Care of Dental Bonding

The composite resin that is used for bonding teeth can be shaped and polished to match the surrounding teeth. It looks like the original tooth and functions just the same. This is what makes bonding one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry techniques.

If you have got dental bonding procedure done, this is how you should take care of it: